To access the library file management page click the avatar in the top right corner and choose Settings. Then click Library file management on the left.

The library file management page has two tabs - Genomic library files and Microarray library files. This section of the user guide will focus on the Genomic library files tab, which is relevant for next-generation sequencing analysis (Figure 1).

To change where the library files are stored, click  Edit file system and storage and click Browse to point to another directory (Figure 2).


If you only want administrative users to manage library files, click  Edit user quotas and limitations and select the checkbox shown in Figure 3. Non Administrative users will still be able to view the library files. Unselecting the checkbox will allow any user to manage library files, but only administrative users can remove entire assemblies. The assemblies and library files created by non administrative users will be available for all Partek Flow users.