This page covers the following topics:

Home Page

The Partek® Flow® Home page is the first page displayed upon login. It provides a quick overview of recent activities and provides access to several system options (Figure 1).

To access a project, click the blue project name. The projects can be sorted by the column title and searched by criteria using the search options on the right. 

Home Page Icons

Shown at the top of the Home page, the New project button provides a quick link to create a new project in your Partek Flow server.

The Transfer files button  is used to transfer data to the server. 

The arrow  located to the left of the column titles will open or close additional details available for all of the projects at one time. Each project can also be opened and closed individually using the arrow to the left of the project name. 

Under the Actions column, the  icon allows you to quickly delete projects and the  icon allows you to export projects (Figure 2).

System Options

The drop-­down menu in the upper right corner of the Home page (Figure 3) displays options that are not related to a project or a task, but to the Partek Flow application as a whole. This links to the Settings and Profile and gives you the option to log out of your server.


Progress Indicator and Queue

The left­-most icon  will bring you back to the Home page with one click.

The next icon  is the progress indicator, summarizing the current status of the Partek Flow server. If no tasks are being processed, the icon is grey and static and the idle message is shown upon mouse over (Figure 4).

Clicking on this icon will direct you to the System resources under Settings

If the server is running, the progress indicator will depict green bars animated on the server icon (Figure 5).

Selecting the Queue drop­down will list the number of running tasks launched by the user. Additional information about the queue including the estimated completion time as well the total number of queued tasks launched can be obtained by selecting View queued tasks (Figure 6).

To view all previous tasks, select the View recent activity link. Clicking this link loads the Activity log page (Figure 7). It displays all the tasks within the projects accessible to the user (either as the owner or as a collaborator), including the tasks launched by other users of the Partek Flow instance.

The Display radio buttons enable filtering of the log. All activity will show all the tasks (irrespective of the task owner, i.e. the user starting the task), while My activity lists only the tasks started by the current user. In contrast to the latter, Collaborator’s activity displays the tasks that are not owned by the current user (but to which the user has access as a collaborator).

The Activity log page also contains a search function that can help find a particular task (Figure 8). Search can be performed through the entire log (All columns), or narrowed down to one of the columns (using the drop­-down list).

Recent Projects, Recent Activities, and Status

The Home page lists the most recent projects that have been performed on the server. By default, the table contains all the projects owned by the current user or ones where the user is a collaborator. The list entries are links that automatically load the selected project.

In the Home page, the table listing all the projects can be sorted by clicking the sort icon  to the left of the table headers. By default, the table is sorted by the date when the project was last modified. You can enter project names, owners as well as sample names in the search box to find a specific project (Figure 9).

Selecting a project will display the Details tab on the right (Figure 10). This shows a preview of the Task graph for the select project, a short description, the members that have access to the project, date last modified, queue status, size and samples contained within the project. On the other hand, the Activity tab lists recent tasks that have been performed in the project.