The System preferences menu (Figure 1) allows you to configure Partek Flow preferences. These preferences generally govern the activities of other users within the Partek Flow server.  Information about preferences can be obtained by hovering over the  icon next to the option. 



The system preferences can only be viewed and edited by Administrator accounts.  In addition, settings for the disk usage require the User Disk Quotas enterprise license.  To edit the preferences, click the  icon. 


Extra text to email to new users

Days for user to set password

Upload file size limit

Data table decimal precision

Activity log retention

Only administrators can manage library files 

Only administrators can create system-wide attributes

Projects can be archived

Show anonymous tasks on the queued tasks page

Show warning when no workers are connected

Store file-path symbolic links

Email admins long running queued task

Data download directory

Library file directory

Default project output directory 


Default disk quota (requires enterprise license)

Actions at 80% of disk quota (requires enterprise license)

Actions at 100% of disk quota (requires enterprise license) 


Subject: [Hosted Partek Flow] Task T20160624142412218_000000 has a predicted remaining runtime longer than 1 day 
Dear Partek Flow administrator,
Flow has detected that a Quantify to annotation model (Partek E/M) task, with identifier 
T20160624142412218_000000, in project RNASeq of 5-aza treated HT29 has a predicted remaining 
runtime longer than 1 day and would benefit if additional workers were added. 
If no additional workers are added, the current predicted end time for the task is 25 Jun 2016, 04:28 PM CDT.


Subject: [Hosted Partek Flow] Disk usage is over 80% of John Smith's quota in Partek Flow 
Dear Partek Flow administrator,
John Smith's disk usage is 86.11 GB and quota is 100.00 GB in Partek Flow (http://... ).  
He/she has been asked to dissociate unwanted files from samples and delete unwanted task output files, tasks, and projects. 
You may also want to increase his/her disk quota.