Flow ships with tasks that do not have all of their dependencies included.  On startup Flow will attempt to install the dependencies, but not every system is equipped to install them.

In the case of any difficulties, it is highly recommended to instead use a docker deployment  (cluster installations may require singularity instead, which is somewhat still a work-in-progress)


Requires Python 2.7 or later.

On startup Flow will attempt to install additional python packages using the command pip install --user cnvkit==0.9.5

Requires R 3.2.3 or later.

On startup Flow will attempt to install additional R packages. 

There are cascading dependencies, but you can view the core libraries in partek_flow/bin/cnvkit-0.8.5/install.R

If these packages can't be built locally, it may be possible for the user to download them from us (see below).


Requires R 3.0 or later.

On startup Flow will attempt to install additional R packages. 

There are cascading dependencies, but you can view the core libraries in partek_flow/bin/deseq_two-3.5/install.R

If these packages can't be built locally, it may be possible for the user to download them from us (see below).

RcppArmadillo may also have dependencies on multi-threading shared objects that may not be on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

The recommendation is to copy those .so files to a folder and make sure it is available from the LD_LIBRARY_PATH when the server/worker starts.

Additional dynamic libraries (such as libxml2.so) may be missing and we can provide a copy appropriate for the target OS.


Requires Python 2.7 or 3.4 or above

On startup Flow attempts to install using pip


If there are any conflicts with preinstalled python packages, Flow should be configured to run with its own virtual environment:

pip install virtualenv

virtualenv ~/.partekflow/.local

source ~/.partekflow/.local/bin/activate

pip install HTSeq==0.11.0

pip install cnvkit==0.9.5


wget customer.partek.com/python-dependencies.zip

unizp -d ~/.partekflow/ python-dependencies.zip

Variant Effect Predictor

This is a compiled Perl script (so it has no direct dependency on Perl itself) we have had one report (istem.fr) of it failing to run. 


R can usually be installed from the package manager.  If the user installs Flow via apt or yum it should already be installed.

For older operating systems R is not available and will need to be installed from source 

Currently, we offer a set of R packages compatible with some versions of R

Extract this file in the home directory.  (Make .R a symlink if the home directory doesn't have enough free space)

These packages include the dependencies for both CNVkit and DESeq2

When running R diagnostic commands outside flow, it can simplify things if the environment includes a reference to the ~/.R folder:


or load 


in ~/.Rprofile

list loaded packages: 


get the version:




DECoN comes pre-installed in the flow_dna container


Otherwise, download DECoN


and install it under /opt/DECoN or set the DECON_PATH environment variable to its folder

DECoN requires R version 3.1.2

It must be installed under /opt/R-3.1.2 or set the DECON_R environment variable to its folder


wget http://cran.wustl.edu/src/base/R-3/R-3.1.2.tar.gz

tar xfz R-3.1.2.tar.gz  

cd R-3.1.2

./configure --with-x=no && make

see also:  Minimum System Requirements