Before performing updates, we recommend Backing Up the Database


Updates are applied using the Linux package manager. The update process will restart the Partek Flow server and the running tasks will be stopped and restarted. Therefore it is best to plan updates during periods of low activity on the Partek Flow server. To update Partek Flow, open a terminal window and enter the following command.

For Debian/Unbuntu, enter:
$ sudo apt-get install partekflow 

For Redhat/Fedora/CentOS, enter:
$ sudo yum update partekflow

For the YUM package manager, if updating Partek Flow fails with a message claiming "package not signed," enter:
$ yum –nogpgcheck –y update partekflow
Note that our packages are signed and the message above is erroneous.


Download the latest version of the Partek Flow installer DMG file for Mac using the link provided in the licensing email or provided by a member of the Partek Technical support team. 

Once downloaded, double click on the icon for the downloaded file and use the Partek Flow Installer to copy the Flow app to the Applications folder.