If a project is publicly available in the GEO and ENA databases, you can import associated FASTQ files, sample attributes, and project details automatically into Partek Flow.

The sample names will be GSM IDs for each sample. Attributes and attribute levels are drawn from the GEO sample characteristics information. The project name is the first 54 characters taken from the BioProject ID title. The project description is the BioProject description with the GEO ID and BioProject IDs appended. FASTQ files are downloaded from the ENA BioProject page. 

If the study is not publicly available in both GEO and ENA, project import will not succeed. If there is an ENA project, but the FASTQ files are not available through ENA, the project will be created, but data will not be imported. 

A variety of other issues and irregularities can cause imports to not succeed or partially succeed, including, but not limited to, a BioProject having multiple associated GSE IDs, incomplete information on the GEO or ENA page, and either the GEO or ENA project not being publicly available.