miRNAs regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level by base-pairing with the three prime untranslated region (3’ UTR) of the target gene, causing cleavage/degradation of the cognate mRNA or by preventing translation initiation. Integration of miRNA expression with gene expression data to study the overall network of gene regulation is vital to understanding miRNA function in a given sample. Partek Genomics Suite provides a platform that can analyze miRNA and gene expression data independently, yet allows data to be integrated for downstream analysis.This integrative analysis can be accomplished at several different levels. If you only have miRNA data, then Partek Genomics Suite can search the predicted gene targets in a miRNA-mRNA database like TargetScan to provide a list of genes that might be regulated by the differentially expressed miRNAs. Conversely, if you have only gene expression data, Partek Genomics Suite can use the same database to identify the microRNAs that putatively regulate those differentially expressed genes in a statistically significant manner. If you have gene expression data and miRNA data from comparable tissue/species, Partek Genomics Suite can combine the results of these separate experiments into one spreadsheet. Lastly, if the miRNA and mRNA from the same source was analyzed (as in this tutorial), then you may statistically correlate the results of miRNA and gene expression assays.

Finding putative genes regulated by miRNAs

This application is useful in the case where you have miRNA expression data, but not gene expression data. Using a database like TargetScan, microCosm, or a custom database, you can identify the list of genes that are predicted to be regulated by these differentially expressed miRNAs and then perform Biological Interpretation tasks on the list of genes. 

This will create a new spreadsheet PutativeGenes that contains a miRNA and a putative gene target in each row. Because each miRNA can regulate multiple genes, the list will be much longer than the input miRNA list. Because each row contains a gene, this spreadsheet can be analyzed using GO Enrichment and Pathway Enrichment tasks from the Biological Interpretation section of the workflow. 

Another useful way to analyze this list is to determine which genes could be targeted by multiple miRNAs in the list. To do this:

The new spreadsheet is a temporary spreadsheet listing each gene in alphabetical order and giving the occurance count of each.