The original experiment is listed on the Gene Expression Omnibus as GSE848; however, this tutorial only uses a subset of the original experiment and should be downloaded from the Partek website tutorial page, Gene Expression - Treatment and Time Variables

This location should be easily accessible. The new spreadsheets created during analysis will be saved to this folder.

By default, this will be located at C:/Microarray Libraries, but the location may vary depending on your operating system and configuration. 

The spreadsheet will open as 1 (Breast_Cancer.txt) (Figure 2).


The summary at the bottom the spreadsheet shows there are 18 rows and 12,631 columns in the spreadsheet. The first column contains the Filename listing the GEO GSM number. This is also is an identifier for the microarray. Treatment, Time, and Batch are in columns 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Column 6 marks the beginning of the probesets. The data is log2 transformed.