The primary use of the Dot Plot is visualizing intensity values across samples.

We will invoke a Dot Plot from a gene list child spreadsheet with genes on rows. 

A dot plot will be displayed in a new tab (Figure 2).


There are many customizations that can be made to this simple plot.


The Configure Plot dialog lets you change how the data is displayed on the plot. We will make a change to illustrate the possibilities. 

This allows us to group the samples by any categorical attribute. These attributes are specified in the parent spreadsheet.

We could also have changed the grouping of samples using the Group by drop-down menu above the plot.

The order of the group columns is alphabetical by default, but can be changed to match the spreadsheet order by selecting Categoricals in spreadsheet order in the Configure Plot dialog (Figure 3). 



The Plot Properties dialog lets you change the appearance of the plot. We will make a few changes to illustrate the possibilities. 

Alternately, we chould have changed the shapes using the Shape by drop-down menu above the plot. The dot plot now shows four columns with thinner box and whisker plots for each and different shapes for different sample types (Figure 5). 


Like many visualizations in Partek Genomics Suite, the dot plot is interactive.

Legends can now be dragged and dropped to new locations on the plot. Samples can be selected by left-clicking or left-clicking and dragging a box around samples. 

Left clicking on a region will zoom in on it. The zoom level can be reset by selecting ().

Left-click and drag to move around the plot.