The Manhattan plot is a common way to visualize p-values or log-odds ratios for GWAS studies across genomic coordinates. 

The starting point for a Manhattan plot is a spreadsheet with SNPs on rows and p-values or log-odds ratios in a column. If beginning with p-values, you will need to convert the p-values to -log10(p-value). 

The column now contains -log10(p-value).

We can now invoke the initial plot. 

The Genome View tab will open. This plot will need to be configured. 

The plot will now show a Manhattan plot (Figure 1).


It is also possible to display multiple chromosomes at the same time.

This displays all chromosomes vertically. We can display them horizontally for a better view. 

To further improve the genome-wide view, we can remove the cytoband, remove the genomic position label, color points by chromosome, and increase point size.

The plot will appear as shown (Figure 2).



For details on Genome View see Chapter 6: The Pattern Visualization System in the Partek User's Manual.