There are many useful visualizations, annotations, and biological interpretation tools that can operate on a gene list. In order for these features operate on an imported list, an annotation file must first be associated with the gene-list. Additionally, many operations that work with a list of significant genes (like GO- or Pathway-Enrichment) require comparison against a background of “non-significant” genes. The quickest way to accomplish both is to use the background of “all genes” for that organism provided by an annotation source like RefSeq, Ensembl, etc. in .pannot (Partek® annotation), .gff, .gtf, .bed, tab- or comma-delimited format. If the file is not already in a tab-separated or comma delimited format, you may import, modify, and save the file in the proper file format.

Associating a spreadsheet with an annotation file

Now we can add the annotation file to our imported gene list. 

This brings up the Configure Genomic Properties dialog (Figure 3). 


If this is the first time you have used an annotation, the Configure Annotation dialog will launch. This is used to choose the columns with the chromosome number and position information for each feature. Our example annotation file has chromosome, start, and stop in separate columns. 

The annotation file has been associated with the spreadsheet and additional tasks can now be performed on the data. 

Adding annotations to a spreadsheet 

Inserting annotations from an annotation file

If an annotation file has been associated with a spreadsheet, annotations from the file can be added as columns in the spreadsheet. 

Annotating with cytobands

A column with cytoband locations will be added to the spreadsheet. Adding a cytoband is possible if genomic coordinates are associated with the gene list spreadsheet during import or by association with an annotation file. 

Annotating with known SNPs

A column of SNPs associated the listed genes and a column indicating the number of SNPs known to be associated with the genes will be added to the spreadsheet. If a SNP database has not been previously downloaded, it will need to be downloaded through the SNP database dialog (Figure 6). 

Alternatively, to generate a list of SNP IDs per row, right-click on a row header and select Create list of dbSNP.

In addition to SNPs, this feature can associate any data with a list of genes or genomic coordinates; the dbSNP database, any miRNA database, data from the Database of Genomic Variants (dgv), any mRNA transcriptome database, or any custom annotation source can be associated with your list. In each case, this feature will add columns to the imported gene list spreadsheet that match the genes with features from those databases.