We will be using the RNA-seq workflow to analyze RNA-seq data throughout this tutorial. The commands included in the RNA-seq workflow are also available form the command toolbar, but may be labeled differently. 

The Partek Genomics Suite software can import next generation sequencing data that has been aligned to a reference genome. Two standard types of alignment formats can be imported: .BAM and .SAM. It is also possible to concert ELAND .txt files to .BAM files with the converter found in the Tools menu in the main command bar.  The data used in this tutorial was aligned using the Partek® Flow® software and saved as .BAM files.

The Bam Sample Manager dialog allows additional samples to be added or removed after the initial sample import. To remove a sample, select a sample from the list and then select Remove selected samples. This dialog also allows us to modify samples. 

Sample ID is set to the file name by default, which may be too long or uninformative, so the Assign files to samples dialog can be used to give informative names to samples.

The Assign files to samples dialog also allows multiple .BAM files to be merged into one sample. This is useful if reads from one sample are split into multiple .BAM files. 



Additional files can be added to this spreadsheet using the Bam Sample Manager dialog. The Bam Sample Manager dialog can also be used to add imported samples to a separate spreadsheet by selecting a new option in the dialog Add new experiment