To detect differential methylation between CpG loci in different experimental groups, we can perform an ANOVA test. For this tutorial, we will perform a simple two-way ANOVA to compare the methylation states of the two experimental groups. 

A new child spreadsheet, mvalue, is created when Detect Differential Methylation is selected. M-values are an alternative metric for measuring methylation. β-values can be easily converted to M-values using the following equation: M-value = log2( β / (1 - β)).

An M-value close to 0 for a CpG site indicates a similar intensity between the methylated and unmethylated probes, which means the CpG site is about half-methylated. Positive M-values mean that more molecules are methylated than unmethylated, while negative M-values mean that more molecules are unmethylated than methylated.  As discussed by Du and colleagues, the β-value has a more intuitive biological interpretation, but the M-value is more statistically valid for the differential analysis of methylation levels.

Because we are performing differential methylation analysis, Partek Genomics Suite automatically creates an M-values spreadsheet to use for statistical analysis. 

For methylation data, fold-change comparisons are not appropriate. Instead, comparisons should be reported as the difference between groups. 


The Contrasts... button of the ANOVA dialog now reads Contrasts Included 

If this is the first time you have analyzed a MethylationEPIC array using the Partek Genomics Suite software, the manifest file may need to be configured. If it needs configuration, the Configure Annotation dialog will appear (Figure 3).

This enables Partek Genomics Suite to parse out probe annotations from the manifest file. 


The results will appear as ANOVA-2way (ANOVAResults), a child spreadsheet of mvalue. Each row of the spreadsheet represents a single CpG locus (identified by Column ID). 


For each contrast, a p-value, Difference, Difference (Description), Beta Difference, and Beta Difference (Description) are generated. The Difference column reports the difference in M-values between the two groups while the Beta Difference column reports the difference in beta values between the two groups.