Partek Flow Documentation

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The Flip mode and download all data options are disabled if there are more than 2.5 million values (rows x columns) in the heatmap.

How to label gene names on volcano plot?

By default, genes are selected if the p-value is <=0.05 and |fold change| >=2 and when the number of selected genes is less than 2000 genes, they will be labeled. You can click on Style button in Configure section, choose a gene annotation field from the Label by drop-down list to change the label. If you number of selected genes is select less than or equal to 100, Partek Flow will try to spread out labels as much as possible to clearly display the labels.  If number of selected genes is more than 100, labels will be next to the selected genes, there will be overlaps where genes are close together. If there are more than 2000 genes selected, no label will be displayed.

If you click any blank space, you can turn off select and use different selection mode button on the vertical bar on the upper-right corner of the plot to manually select dots on the plot.


Why do I get "?" for FDR p-values in my Deseq2 result?
