Partek Flow Documentation

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Partek® Flow® Partek Flow comes with a standalone diagnostic script that reports how Partek Flow is installed and detects common installation problems.


If you are unable to install Partek Flow, this script will not be available. Please contact Partek Technical Support if you cannot install Partek Flow.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextTask details page of a failed task. Warning information section is optional, the content of the Error message section depends on the type of error. The Send logs to Partek button sends the log files to Partek Technical Support
AnchorNameFailed task details


When running the script, you will see a report similar to Figure 2.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAn example of a report report


At the end of the report, you will be given an option to send the error to Partek (Figure 3).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSending flowstatus results to Partek

In some cases, the https connections may be blocked from the server and sending the error would fail. The logs can be zipped and sent manually using the method described here. 

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