Partek Flow Documentation

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A Pie Chart is a type of graph that displays data in a circular graph. It gives you a snapshot of how a group is broken down into smaller pieces. Because the pieces of a Pie chart are proportional to the fraction of the whole in each category. In order to make a Pie chart, you must have a list of categorical variables (descriptions of your categories, like ‘cell type’) as well as numeric variables (e.g.,  cell numbers). In Partek® Flow®, the default numeric variable is the cell numbers.  Therefore, the Pie chart indicates the fraction of the whole cell numbers in each category.

To make a Pie chart, open a new Data Viewer session in Flow (Figure 1).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextNew Data Viewer session in Flow.
AnchorNameNew Data Viewer session

Select Pie chart from ‘Available plots’ on the left side and drag it to Add new plot in middle panel. Then select any data node to create a new empty Pie chart (Figure 2). 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextA new empty Pie chart in Data Viewer.
AnchorNameempty Pie chart

Categorical attributes that can be used for the Pie chart would display after any data node from the Data card on the left side of the Data Viewer has been clicked. 

Simply drag and drop the attribute, Sample name as an example here, to the Add data in the middle panel (Figure 3).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAdd attribute to Pie chart.
AnchorNamePie chart with samples

A Pie chart that demonstrates the fraction of the whole cell numbers in each sample has been created (Figure 4).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextExample Pie chart with samples.
AnchorNamePie chart with samples

The specific cell number in this category and its percentage of total would appear when a cursor is moved over on it. For instance, the second sample (Sample2) includes 2285 cells which accounts for 36.149% of the total cells in the study (Figure 5).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe mouseover example Pie chart.
AnchorNameThe mouseover Pie chart

Configuration card (red rectangle in Figure 6) for Pie chart in Flow includes the options:

  • Data: multiple categorical attributes can be added to data source; Users are allowed to rearrange their order by dragging when having multiple categorical attributes (Figure 7).
  • Split by: split the current Pie chart by a second categorical attribute (Figure 6)
  • Color mode: Unique colors (default), Similar colors.
  • Title: Title name, Title font size (16 px as default)
  • Style: Order slices by Count or Category

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextConfiguration and splitted example of Pie chart.
AnchorNameConfiguration and splitted example of Pie chart

If more than one categorical attribute were added to the data, Pie chart would have two different modes - Pointer mode and Zoom mode (Figure 7). The default is Pointer mode, so if users would like to look closer at some slice please click the Zoom mode first. ↩ represents Reset zoom.

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextDifferent modes of Pie Chart.
AnchorNameDifferent modes of Pie Chart

Once you are pleased with the appearance of the Pie plot, push Save image button to save it to the local machine or click Save button to save the Data Viewer. The resulting dialog (Figure 8) controls the Format,Size and Resolution of the image file. The image will be saved in your favorite format (.svg, .png and .pdf).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSave image dialog (default settings)
AnchorNameSave image

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