Partek Flow Documentation

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Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextDot plot (an example). Each dot is a sample. The plot title (ADRBK2) is the gene symbol of the selected gene. Expression levels are on the vertical axis
AnchorNameDot plot
New Data Viewer session in Flow
AnchorNameNew Data Viewer session

Image Added

The chart title is based on the genomic feature (e.g. gene or transcript) that the plot was invoked on. The y-axis is scaled automatically, based on the range of the data, and the units correspond to the input units of the parent Feature list node, i.e. if the data were normalized using transcripts per million (TPM), the y-axis will be in TPM-normalised counts. Dots represent samples. Hovering the cursor over a sample invokes a popup balloon message shows sample ID and the respective expression value. The legend is in the upper right corner and is based on the data attribute specified under the Color by option (on the left).
