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May 2

Partek Flow Documentation

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  • This line was added.
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  • Set the filter to Include samples where Subtype is Oligodendroglioma 
  • Click AND
  • Set the second filter to exclude Classifications is Microglia 
  • Click Finish to apply the filter (Figure 2)


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextConfiguring the group filter
AnchorNameFiltering groups

Image Modified


Filtered counts data node will be created with only cells that are from oligodendroglioma samples (Figure 3). 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextFiltering groups generates a Filtered counts data node
AnchorNameFiltered counts

Image Modified

Identify differentially expressed genes

  • Click the green Filtered counts data node
  • Click Differential analysis in the task menu
  • Click GSA (Figure 5)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextInvoking GSA
AnchorNameInvoking GSA

Image Modified

The configuration options (Figure 6) includes sample and cell-level attributes. Here, we want to compare different cell types so we will include Classifications


This will set up fold calculations with glioma as the numerator and oligodendrocytes as the denominator. 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextDefining the comparison between Glioma and Oligodendrocytes
AnchorNameDefining a comparison


This gives 133 up-regulated and 158 down-regulated genes (Figure 8).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextPreviewing a filter by adjusting the significance thresholds
AnchorNameVolcano plot



Cells are now labeled with their sample name. Interestingly, samples show characteristic patterns of expression for these genes (Figure 10).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextHierarchical clustering heat map with cells on rows (ordered by sample name) and genes on columns (clustered)
AnchorNameHierarchical clustering heat map


  • Click the second green Feature list node
  • Click Biological interpretation in the task menu
  • Click Enrichment analysis (Figure 11)


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextInvoking Enrichment analysis
AnchorNameInvoking Enrichment analysis

  • Choose Homo sapiens (human) - hg38 from the Assembly drop-down menu
  • Select Finish to continue with the most recent gene set

GO enrichment node will be added to the pipeline view (Figure 12).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextCompleted tutorial analysis pipeline
AnchorNameFinal pipeline view


Top GO terms in the enrichment report include "myelin sheath", "ensheathment of neurons", and "axon ensheathment" (Figure 13), which corresponds well with the role of oligodendrocytes in creating the myelin sheath that supports and protect axons in the central nervous system. 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextGO enrichment task report
AnchorNameGO enrichment report



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