PGS Documentation

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  • Right click column 6. Average Coverage and select Sort Descending from the menu
  • Select Find Overlapping Genes from the Tools option in the command toolbar (Figure 1)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelecting Find Overlapping Genes from Tools in the command toolbar
AnchorNameFind Overlapping Genes

  • Select Add a new column with the gene nearest to the region in the Find Overlapping Genes dialog (Figure 2)
  • Select OKOK 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextFind Overlapping Genes
AnchorNameAdd a new column with nearest gene


Please note that it is recommended that you annotate with the same database as when you performed mRNA quantification.

  • Select OKOK 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelect the database to search for overlapping features
AnchorNameSelect Database with Overlapping Features


  • Select row 45 and Browse to location to show a region within an intron of UNC45B. This may be a novel exon (Figure 6) 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextA region within an intron of UNC45B that might be an novel exon
AnchorNameNovel Exon example

  • Select row 10482 and Browse to location to show a region that starts 1 bp after CD82. This peak may represent an extended exon (Figure 7) 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextA region that starts 1 bp after CD82 that might represent an extended exon
AnchorNameExtended Exon example
