PGS Documentation

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SubtitleTextSelecting the RNA-seq workflow
AnchorNameRNA-seq workflow

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The Partek Genomics Suite software can import next generation sequencing data that has been aligned to a reference genome. Two standard types of alignment formats can be imported: .BAM and .SAM. It is also possible to concert ELAND .txt files to .BAM files with the converter found in the Tools menu in the main command bar.  The data used in this tutorial was aligned using the Partek® Flow® software and saved as .BAM files.


  • Configure the dialog as shown (Figure 3)



file provides a name for the top-level spreadsheet. Browse can be used to change the output directory. 

  • Select Homo sapiens from the Species drop-down menu to allow us to menu 

This will allow us to select a human genome reference assembly alignment.

  • Select hg19 for Genome/Transcriptome reference used to align the reads. reads 

This is the reference genome our tutorial data was aligned to using Partek Flow.

  • Select OK to open the BAM Sample Manager dialog (Figure 4)
