Partek Flow Documentation

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Space Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that process Visium Spatial Gene Expression data with brightfield and fluorescence microscope images (1).

Space Ranger in Partek



Space Ranger 12.30.0 1 has been wrapped in Partek Flow as Space Ranger task. The task takes .fastq and .jpeg/.tiff files as input and performs alignment, filtering, barcode counting, and UMI counting. The output is gene expression count matrix in a .h5 format (both raw and filtered are available for download via Task Details), as well as a .zip file with spatial files (image). Note that the Space Ranger task in Partek Flow does not include all the options and uses cases covered by the Space Ranger pipelines of 10x Genomics.


The Annotated counts node is Split by sample. This means that any tasks performed from this node will also be split by sample. Invoke tasks from the Single cell counts node to combine samples for analyses.
