Partek Flow Documentation

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The System preferences menu accessible to administrator accounts (Figure 1) allows you to configure Partek Flow preferences. These preferences generally govern the activities of other users within the Partek Flow preferences. Click on the Image Removed icon to edit these preferences (Figure 2). Information about preferences can be obtained by hovering over the Image Removed icon next to the option. The system preferences page is only visible to Administrator accounts.  Settings for the disk usage require the User Disk Quotas enterprise license. 


server. They can only be viewed and configured by Administrator accounts. The preferences are subdivided into the following sections:

Table of Contents
excludeAdditional Assistance

Modifying preferences under the User quotas and limitations section require the User Disk Quotas enterprise license. Upon opening the system, all sections are collapsed except for Filesystem and storage (Figure 1). 

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SubtitleTextEditing system preferencesSystem Preferences Page

Image RemovedImage Added

These preferences generally govern the activities of other users within the Partek Flow server. They include the following:


Extra text to email to new users

  • New Partek Flow users will receive an email with a link to set their password within Partek Flow. The email will include this extra text, which may have URLs in it. This setting does not affect user accounts that come from LDAP, because these accounts use the password stored in LDAP, not in Partek Flow

Days for user to set password

  • If a user requests a password reset, this specifies amount of time the user has to reset their password

Upload file size limit

  • Size limit for files that can be uploaded using the My computer option

  • Setting this to 0 removes file size limit

Data table decimal precision

  • Specifies the number of decimal places displayed

Activity log retention

  • Number of months activity logs are kept for

Only administrators can manage library files 

  • If Yes is selected, only administrators can import and delete library files and regular users can only view library files

Only administrators can create system-wide attributes

  • If Yes is selected, only administrators can create system-wide attributes within projects

Projects can be archived

  • If Yes is selected, users can create a zipped archive of a project before they delete them from the Partek Flow instance

Show anonymous tasks on the queued tasks page

  • If Yes is selected, all users can view the tasks queued up on the server and tasks that are not shared with the user will appear as anonymous

Show warning when no workers are connected

  • If Yes is selected, a warning will be displayed when no workers are attached to the Partek Flow server

Store file-path symbolic linksTo edit preferences, select the drop-down menu for the specific section you would like to modify. Information about specific preferences can be obtained by hovering over the Image Added icon next to the option. Click the Image Added icon to start editing. 

Filesystem and storage

Data download directory

  • Specifies the directory on the server to which the data files will be uploaded

Library file directory

  • Specifies the directory on the server to which the library files will be uploaded

Default project output directory 

  • If Sample file directory is selected, files will be written on the same directory in which the sample files are located

  • If Other is selected, a directory on the server must be specified to which the project output files will be written

  • The user can override this setting by specifying the output directory in the project’s Data tab after at least one sample has been created

  • If Enforced private directory is selected, files will be written on the user's private directory. The alternative folder specified after else will be used if no private directory is assigned to a user.

Store file-path symbolic links

  • If Yes is selected, Partek Flow will store new file paths with any symbolic links intact, making it easier to change where the links point. Otherwise, new paths are stored with symbolic links replaced by the directories to which they point, guaranteeing that Partek flow can uniquely identify each file and recognize when it already has information about that file. Changing the setting does not affect file paths already stored or the ability of Partek Flow to locate earlier files

Email admins long running queued task

  • If Yes is selected, Partek Flow will email admins (Figure 2) if a running task has a remaining runtime longer than the specified days and adding more workers could speed up the task

Data download directory

  • Specifies the directory on the server to which the data files will be uploaded

Library file directory

  • Specifies the directory on the server to which the library files will be uploaded

Default project output directory 

  • If Sample file directory is selected, files will be written on the same directory in which the sample files are located

  • If Other is selected, a directory on the server must be specified to which the project output files will be written

  • The user can override this setting by specifying the output directory in the project’s Data tab after at least one sample has been created

Default disk quota (requires enterprise license)

  • Sets the default size of disk quota available for all users

  • Disk quotas for specific users can be set in the User management page

  • If Set as the quota for users having none is checked, disk quotas are retroactively set for all users currently without disk quotas

  • Selecting None means there are no disk quotas across all users

Actions at 80% of disk quota (requires enterprise license)

  • Specifies the actions when user reaches 80% of their disk quota

  • An email can be sent to the user and/or the administrators (Figure 3)

  • The user can also be prevented from importing additional samples and running tasks until they clear additional space

Actions at 100% of disk quota (requires enterprise license) 

  • Specifies the actions when user reaches their disk quota

  • An email can be sent to the user and/or the administrators (Figure 3)

  • The user can also be prevented from importing additional samples and running tasks until they clear additional space

 Activity log retention

  • Number of months activity logs are kept for

Task queue and job processing

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SubtitleTextEditing the Task queue and job processing preferences

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Start Internal worker at Partek Flow server startup

  • When enabled, an internal worker will be started upon server restart

Maximum running projects

  • Sets the maximum number of projects that will run simultaneously. Any tasks already running will be completed before this takes into effect

Adjust job nice value

  • Niceness value that is added to Partek Flow commands. Higher values are nicer. Set to 0 to disable

Show anonymous tasks on the queued tasks page

  • If Yes is selected, all users can view the tasks queued up on the server and tasks that are not shared with the user will appear as anonymous

Show warning when no workers are connected

  • If Yes is selected, a warning will be displayed when no workers are attached to the Partek Flow server

 Email admins long running queued task

  • If Yes is selected, Partek Flow will email admins (Figure 3) if a running task has a remaining runtime longer than the specified days and adding more workers could speed up the task

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SubtitleTextExample of an email sent to Partek Flow administrators for predicted long runtimes
AnchorNamelong task email

Subject: [Hosted Partek Flow] Task T20160624142412218_000000 has a predicted remaining runtime longer than 1 day 
Dear Partek Flow administrator,
Flow has detected that a Quantify to annotation model (Partek E/M) task, with identifier 
T20160624142412218_000000, in project RNASeq of 5-aza treated HT29 has a predicted remaining 
runtime longer than 1 day and would benefit if additional workers were added. 
If no additional workers are added, the current predicted end time for the task is 25 Jun 2016, 04:28 PM CDT.



User quotas and limitations

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SubtitleTextEditing User quotas and limitations preferences

Image Added

Only administrators can manage library files 

  • If Yes is selected, only administrators can import and delete library files and regular users can only view library files

Only administrators can create system-wide attributes

  • If Yes is selected, only administrators can create system-wide attributes within projects

Upload file size limit

  • Size limit for files that can be uploaded using the My computer option

  • Setting this to 0 removes file size limit

Default disk quota (requires enterprise license)

  • Sets the default size of disk quota available for all users

  • Disk quotas for specific users can be set in the User management page

  • If Set as the quota for users having none is checked, disk quotas are retroactively set for all users currently without disk quotas

  • Selecting None means there are no disk quotas across all users

Actions at 80% of disk quota (requires enterprise license)

  • Specifies the actions when user reaches 80% of their disk quota

  • An email can be sent to the user and/or the administrators (Figure 5)

  • The user can also be prevented from importing additional samples and running tasks until they clear additional space

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextExample of an email sent to Partek Flow administrators about user quota
AnchorNamequota email

Subject: [Hosted Partek Flow] Disk usage is over 80% of John Smith's quota in Partek Flow 
Dear Partek Flow administrator,
John Smith's disk usage is 86.11 GB and quota is 100.00 GB in Partek Flow (http://... ).  
He/she has been asked to dissociate unwanted files from samples and delete unwanted task output files, tasks, and projects. 
You may also want to increase his/her disk quota.

Actions at 100% of disk quota (requires enterprise license) 

  • Specifies the actions when user reaches their disk quota

  • An email can be sent to the user and/or the administrators (similar to Figure 5)

  • The user can also be prevented from importing additional samples and running tasks until they clear additional space

Authentication settings

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SubtitleTextConfiguring Authentication settings

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Days for user to set password

  • If a user requests a password reset, this specifies amount of time the user has to reset their password

Use proxy server

  • Allows administrator to configure proxy settings for the Partek Flow server
  • Note that port number changes require a corresponding update to tomcat/conf/server.xml and a Partek Flow server restart

Allow users to override the default session timeout

  • If checked, this gives each user the ability to override the default session timeout with their own settings as specified in "My preferences"

Default session timeout

  • The amount of time, in minutes, before users are automatically logged out
  • This protects users in the event that they walk away from their computer

Require HTTPS for all pages 

  • If checked, this requires HTTPS to load Partek Flow pages. Specify HTTPS port

Email settings

These settings allow Administrators to use the embedded email server within Partek Flow. Select the checkbox to configure mail server (Figure 7).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextConfiguring Email settings

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Email users on transfer of project ownership

  • Administrators can configure whether email notifications are sent when project ownership is transferred. By selecting the relevant checkbox, the new or previous project owner can be notified. 

Extra text to email to new users

  • If the Email users on creation checkbox is selected, new Partek Flow users will receive an email with a link to set their password within Partek Flow. The email will include this extra text, which may have URLs in it. This setting does not affect user accounts that come from LDAP, because these accounts use the password stored in LDAP, not in Partek Flow

General preferences

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SubtitleTextEditing General preferences

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Data table decimal precision

  • Specifies the number of decimal places displayed

Additional assistance


Rate Macro
