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How to Streamline RNA-Seq analysis and increase productivity—point, click, and done

Partek Flow Documentation

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The total number of clusters is listed along with the number and percentage of cells in each cluster. 

Top marker features per cluster

Biomarkers for each cluster are calculated using an ANVOA test where each cluster is compared to the other cells in the data set, genes with fold-change > 1.5 are included, and these genes are sorted by ascending p-value (ties broken by greater fold change). The top 10 genes for each cluster are shown in the table. The full gene list can be obtained as a text file by selecting the Download link. The full ANOVA results can be obtained by clicking the Run ANOVA button, which will generate a Feature list data node. Open the node to perform filtering based on p-value and/or fold-change or to invoke a volcano plot.

The Clustering result data The K-means Clustering result data node includes the input values for each gene and adds cluster assignment as a new attribute, K-means, for each observation. If the Clustering result  K-means clusters data node is visualized by Scatter plot, PCA, t-SNE, or UMAP, the plot will can be colored by the K-means attribute and the group biomarker table, if generated, will be included below the plot (Figure 3).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextVisualizing K-means cluster results
AnchorNameVisualizing K-means clustering results
