Partek Flow Documentation

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All pipelines are automatically made available to all users on the same Partek® Flow® instancePartek Flow instance, making it easy to share pipelines. It is also possible to download a pipeline as a backup and to share with others. All saved and imported pipelines are available for all users on a Partek Flow instance to download. To download a pipeline:

  1. Click on a circular data node under the Analyses tab and expand the Pipelines section from the menu on the right. The context-sensitive menu will only display pipelines that can be applied to the data type of the selected data node
  2. Click the Download pipeline (Image RemovedImage Added) icon next to the name of the for the pipeline you want to download (Figure 1)
  3. Choose a file location on your local machine and pipeline will be saved as a .pipeline file


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 The .pipeline file can then be shared, e.g. via email or USB stick, for use on other Partek Flow instances. See Importing a Pipeline. 

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