Partek Flow Documentation

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  • Sample name: name for each sample
  • Chromosome 1: the name of the chromosome on which the first end of the feature first feature exists.
  • Start 1: the zero-based starting position of the first end of the  feature on Chromosome 1that chromosome.
  • End 1: the zero-based ending position of the first end of the  feature on Chromosome 1that chromosome.
  • Chromosome 2: the name of the chromosome on which the second end of the  feature exists.
  • Start 2: the zero-based starting position of the second end of the  feature on Chromosome 2that chromosome.
  • End 2: the zero-based ending position of the second end of the  feature on Chromosome 2that chromosome.
  • Name: defines the name of the linkage features with the format of <name1><name2>, in which name1 and name2 are based on gene symbol or peak annotation. 
  • Score: linkage correlation, ranging from -1 to 1.
  • Strand 1:  all set to ".".
  • Strand 2:  all set to ".".
  • Significance: linkage significance: -log10 (p-value) after multiple testing correction (FDR, false discovery rate). Capped at 299.
  • Distance: distance in base pairs from feature 2 to feature 1.
  • Linkage type: can be "peak-peak", "gene-peak" or "peak-gene" depending on the type of gene or peak for feature 1 and feature 2.
