Partek Flow Documentation

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Left click to select the data node you want to export. In the bottom of the task menu there will be an option to "Download data". 

Can I visualize fold change values on a heatmap without using a z-score?

Yes, the default settings can be modified by clicking "Configure" in the Advanced settings during task set-up, then change the "feature scaling" option to "none" to plot the values without scaling. For more information related to to the heatmap click here


How do I order my heatmap by the cell types?


For a multi-sample project, all of the downstream tasks will be run separately if 'Split by sample' was checked when performing the PCA task. Visualization of different samples can be displayed by 'Sample' using the 'Misc' section in the 'axes' card. To show different samples side by side, one can click 'Duplicate plot' first, then use the 'Sample' option to switch the samples.

Can I visualize fold change values on a heatmap without using a z-score?

Yes, the default settings can be modified by clicking "Configure" in the Advanced settings during task set-up, then change the "feature scaling" option to "none" to plot the values without scaling. For more information related to to the heatmap click here

Why I don't see Flip mode on heatmap? Why I can't download all data after zoom in?

The Flip mode and download all data options are disabled if there are more than 2.5 million values (rows x columns) in the heatmap.

Statistics FAQs

Why do I get "?" for FDR p-values in my Deseq2 result?
