Partek Flow Documentation

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Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextPrioritizing tasks in the Task Queue

Rest API

  • We now provide programmatic access to your Partek Flow using the command line

  • Several tasks are available, including project creation, sample import and running a pipeline

User Added Tasks

  • Administrators can add executables and scripts to the set of analysis tools available on a given installation
  • Once added, these User added tasks can be made visible to regular users using the Task Management Page


RNA-seq Toolkit

  • This license feature allows users to run the RNA-seq workflow.


  • Users can convert microarray data to unaligned reads.  The conversion tasks for the aligners appear in the context-sensitive menu, under the section “Convert to Aligned Reads”.  Refer to Microarray Toolkit for additional details.


ChIP-Seq Toolkit

  • Implementation of the MACS2 peak caller as a task (Zhang et al. Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS). Genome Biol (2008) vol. 9 (9) pp. R137)

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