Partek Flow Documentation

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Differential expression analysis can be used to compare cell types. Here, we will compare glioma and oligodendrocyte cells to identify genes differentially regulated in glioma cells from the oligodendroglioma subtype. Glioma cells in oligodendroglioma are thought to originate from oligodendrocytes, thus directly comparing the two cell types will identify genes that distinguish them. 

Filter cells

To analyze only the oligodendroglioma subtype, we can filter the samples.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextFiltering groups generates a Filtered counts data node
AnchorNameFiltered counts

Identify differentially expressed genes

  • Click the new Filtered counts data node
  • Click StatisticsDifferential analysis in the task menu
  • Click GSA


  • Click  to apply the filter and generate a Filtered Feature list node

Exploring differentially expressed genes

To visualize the results, we can generate a hierarchical clustering heatmap. 
