Partek Flow Documentation

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Differential expression analysis can be used to compare cell types. Here, we will compare glioma and oligodendrocyte cells to identify genes differentially regulated in glioma cells from the oligodendroglioma subtype. Glioma cells in oligodendroglioma are thought to originate from oligodendrocytes, thus directly comparing the two cell types will identify genes that distinguish them. 

Filter cells

To analyze only the oligodendroglioma subtype, we can filter the samples.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextInvoking the sample filter
AnchorNameFiltering samples

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The filter lets us include or exclude samples based on sample ID and attribute. 


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SubtitleTextConfiguring the group filter
AnchorNameFiltering groups

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Filtered counts data node will be created with only cells that are from oligodendroglioma samples (Figure 3).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextFiltering groups generates a Filtered counts data node
AnchorNameFiltered counts

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Identify differentially expressed genes

  • Click the new Filtered counts data node
  • Click StatisticsDifferential analysis in the task menu
  • Click GSA


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SubtitleTextChoosing attributes to include in the statistical test
AnchorNameConfiguring the GSA model

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Next, we will set up a comparison between glioma and oligodendrocyte cells.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextDefining the comparison between Glioma and Oligodendrocytes
AnchorNameDefining a comparison

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  • Click Finish to run the GSA


Because of the large number of cells and large differences between cell types, the p-values and FDR step up values are very low for highly significant genes. We can use the volcano plot to preview the effect of applying different significance thresholds.

  • Click Image RemovedImage Added to view the Volcano plot 
  • Open the Style icon on the left, change Size point size to 6
  • Open the Axes icon on the left and change the Y-axis to FDR step up (Glioma vs Oligodendrocytes)
  • Open the Statistics icon and change the Significance of X threshold to -10 and 10 and the Y threshold to 0.001 
  • Open the Select & Filter icon, set the Fold change thresholds to -10 and 10
  • In Select & Filter, click Image RemovedImage Added to remove the P-value (Glioma vs Oligodendrocytes) selection rule. From the drop-down list, add FDR step up (Glioma vs Oligodendrocytes) as a selection rule and set the maximum to 0.001


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextPreviewing a filter by adjusting the size of the points, changing the Y-axis, adjusting the X & Y significance thresholds and changing the selection criteria
AnchorNameVolcano plot

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We can now recreate these conditions in the GSA report filter. 


The filter should include 291 genes. 

  • Click Image RemovedImage Added to apply the filter and generate a Filtered Feature list node

Exploring differentially expressed genes

To visualize the results, we can generate a hierarchical clustering heatmap. 


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SubtitleTextConfiguring hierarchical clustering
AnchorNameConfiguring Hierarchical clustering

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  • Double click the green Hierarchical clustering node to open the heatmap


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextHierarchical clustering heatmap with cells on rows (ordered by sample name) and genes on columns (clustered)
AnchorNameHierarchical clustering heatmap

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  • Click Glioma (multi-sample) to return to the Analyses tab.


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SubtitleTextGene set enrichment dialogue
AnchorNameEnrichment analysis

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A Gene set enrichment node will be added to the pipeline .


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SubtitleTextGO enrichment task report
AnchorNameGO enrichment report

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Additional assistance
