Partek Flow Documentation

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To compare gene expression for malignant cells between astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma subtypes, malignant cells from each sample can be pooled to simulate bulk RNA-Seq data. 

Pool cells

  • Click the Filtered counts data node 
  • Expand the Pre-analysis tools section of the task menu
  • Click Pool cells (Figure 1)


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SubtitleTextSelecting method for Pool cells
AnchorNamePool cells options

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  • Choose Cell type (sample level) from the Pool cells by drop-down list 
  • Keep the default pool method (Mean)
  • Click Finish 


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SubtitleTextOutput of the Pools cells task
AnchorNamePools cells output

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The Glioma data node is equivalent to a bulk RNA-Seq gene counts data node and the same analysis steps can be performed on it including PCA and differential expression analysis.

Explore data with PCA

We can use principal components analysis (PCA) to visualize similarities and differences between samples for a cell type. 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextPCA scatter plot. Samples are spheres. Samples with more similar gene expression are closer together while dissimilar samples are further apart.
AnchorNamePCA plot

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Identify differentially expressed genes

Next, we will perform differential expression analysis. 


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SubtitleTextSelecting factors to include in the statistical test
AnchorNameIncluding factors

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Next, we can set up a comparison between astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma subtypes. 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAdding a comparison of astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma subtypes
AnchorNameAdding comparison

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Adding Astrocytoma vs. Oligodendroglioma will give fold-change and p-value for the comparison. Fold-change will be calculated as astrocytoma (numerator) over oligodendroglioma (denominator).


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SubtitleTextGSA task produces a Feature list data node
AnchorNameGSA results

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  • Double click the GSA data node


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SubtitleTextViewing the GSA report table
AnchorNameGSA report

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Genes are listed by ascending P-value, so the most significant genes are at the top of the list. Results for all genes can be visualized using a volcano plot.

  • Select Image RemovedImage Added in the top right corner of the table to open the volcano plot for a comparison


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextVolcano plot for Astrocytoma vs. Oligodendroglioma
AnchorNameVolcano plot

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  • Click the GSA report tab in your browser to return to the feature list

A dot plot is available for each gene.

  • Select Image RemovedImage Added next to SYT4 to open its feature plot (Figure 10)


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe dot plot shows one gene at a time
AnchorNameFeature plot

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The dot plot opens in a new data viewer session. The plot can be configured using various options in the Configuration card on the left. For example, the Summary card can be used to add violins or box & whisker plots. 


  • Click FDR step up 
  • Set it to 0.05 with the drop-down menu set to Less than or equal to 
  • Press Enter
  • Click Fold change
  • Set it to -2 to for the excluded range
  • Press Enter
  • Click Image RemovedImage Added to apply the filter (Figure 11)


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SubtitleTextApplying a filter
AnchorNameFilter settings

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You will be returned to the Analyses tab and a new Differential analysis filter task will be added. This will produce a new Filtered feature list data node.

Analyze differentially expressed genes

The Filtered Feature list data node is a good starting point for drawing a hierarchical clustering heatmap and analyzing gene set or pathway enrichment.


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SubtitleTextOpen the hierarchical clustering heat map by double clicking the task node
AnchorNameOpen the heat map

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The hierarchical clustering heatmap displays samples on rows and genes on columns (Figure 13). The colors are scaled (normalized) expression values represented by the Z-score (standardized) for a heatmap by default.


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AnchorNameHierarchical clustering heatmap

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The plot is interactive and configurable.


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SubtitleTextConfiguring the heatmap
AnchorNameModified heatmap

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The heatmap can be saved as a publication-quality image by clicking the save image icon Image Removed Image Added or sent to a page in the Notebook tab by clicking Image RemovedImage Added. For more information about customizing and interacting with the heatmap, please see the Hierarchical Clustering section of the user's manual. 


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SubtitleTextGene set enrichment task node
AnchorNameEnrichment output

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The GO enrichment task report lists every analyzed gene set, ranked by Enrichment score, with P-value, number of genes in list, and number of genes not in list given for each (Figure 16). Using the default GO database, each gene set name is a link to the web-page for that GO term. Hovering over Image RemovedImage Added shows the numbers of genes in the set in the list, in the set not in the list, in the list not in the set, and not in the list not in the set. You can view the genes in and not in the gene set by selecting Image RemovedImage Added. For more information about enrichment analysis and using custom gene sets, please see the Gene Set Enrichment section of the user's manual. 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextViewing results of Enrichment analysis. Note that this GO enrichment test was performed using the hg38 - 2019_11_01 GO database. Your results may vary of you have used different version
AnchorNameGO enrichment report

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Gene set enrichment analysis, can also be performed using the the KEGG pathway database as the source for its gene sets. Note, to perform these next steps, you need to have the Pathway toolkit enabled. 


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SubtitleTextViewing results of Pathway enrichment analysis
AnchorNamePathway enrichment analysis results

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Clicking one of the blue pathway names opens a KEGG pathway map that can be colored by fold-change or p-value.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextKEGG map for Spliceosome pathway. Colored by fold change for astrocytoma vs. oligodendroglioma.
AnchorNameSpliceosome KEGG map

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Here, we can see that several components of the spliceosome pathway are upregulated in astrocytoma vs. oligodendroglioma.
