Partek Flow Documentation

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This document describes different license features in Partek® Flow®. Some license features are required in to initiate the software for the particular environment in which it is installed. Other license features (enterprise and toolkits) are optional and would depend on the particular needs of the users. For information on how to purchase the different license features, contact your account representative or email

Table of Contents
excludeAdditional Assistance

To check the current license features of your Partek Flow, go to the Username > Settings > System Information > Partek Flow license details (Figure 1). Administrators can also see the information, as well as apply a new license through Username > Settings > Licensing page of the software (Figure 2).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSystem information page showing current licensed features



  • Administrators can specify disk-space quotas for users and actions to be performed at 80% and 100% of these quotas.  

  • A Disk quota column appears on the User management page

  • Default disk quota, Actions at 80% of disk quota, and Actions at 100% of disk quota columns appear on the Settings > System preferences page.  

  • Possible actions are Email user, Email administrators, and Prevent importing sample files and running tasks.  

  • A Disk usage row appears on the profile of each user (Figure 3). 

    Numbered figure captions
    SubtitleTextUser Profile showing disk usage and quota
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Dedicating Licenses to Groups
