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How to Streamline RNA-Seq analysis and increase productivity—point, click, and done

Partek Flow Documentation

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  • Region name: the genomic feature identifier (as specified in the annotation file)

  • Chromosome: the chromosome of the genomic feature (or region)

  • Start: the start position of the genomic feature (1-based)

  • Stop: the stop position of the genomic feature (2-based, which means the stop position is exclusive)

  • Strand: the strand of the genomic feature

  • Total exon length: the length of the genomic feature

  • Reads: the total number of reads aligning to the genomic feature

  • % GC: the percentage of GC contents of those reads aligning to the genomic feature

  • % N: the percentage of ambiguous bases (N) of those reads aligning to the genomic feature

  • (n)x: the proportion of the genomic feature which is covered by at least n number of alignments. [Note: n is the coverage level that you specified when submitting Coverage report task, defaults are 1×, 20×, 100×]

  • Average coverage: the average sequencing depth across all bases in the genomic feature

  • Average quality: the average quality score across covered bases in the genomic feature

  •  : the invokes the Coverage graph across the genomic feature, showing the current sample only (Figure 23) (or mouse over to get a preview of the plot)

  • Image Modified : the invokes the Chromosome view and browses to the genomic location
