Partek Flow Documentation

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The result of Space Ranger task is the Single cell counts data node, which contains the gene expression data. Double click the Single cell counts node to invoke the report the task report (Figure 7) which is the same as the ‘Summary HTML’ from Space Ranger output. Task report is sample based. You can use the dropdown list in top left to switch samples (not shown in Figure 6).  Each report consists of two pages: Summary and Analysis. For deatails, please visit 10x Genomics web page.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSpace Ranger report. The report matches the Summary HTML from the Space Ranger pipeline by 10x Genomics. Each sample is shown as a separate page, with two tabs - Summary and Analysis. If a project contains more than one sample, sample selector will be displayed in top left

Annotate Visium image

After creating the Single cell counts node, the next step is to associate the microscopy image