Partek Flow Documentation

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To create a new reference, push the Create Cell Ranger 6.0.0 reference button and pick the appropriate Cell Ranger reference name from the drop down (Figure 3) and then push Create.

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SubtitleTextDownloading a Cell Ranger reference. Supported references appear in the drop down menu

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Downloading a reference is a separate task and may take some time. However, it will become immediately available in the Cell Ranger 6.0.0. reference drop down (Figure 4).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelecing Cell Ranger reference from the drop down list

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Alternatively, Cell Ranger reference can be added beforehand, to the Library file management page (on the Other library files tab).  At the moment, the following references are available for download from Partek: hg38, mm10, and hg38-mm10 (chimaeric genome).