Partek Flow Documentation

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Open a Linux terminal and enter the following commands.

  1. Change to the user account that runs Partek Flow. Suppose it is user account flow, then:
    $ su flow

  2. Then the default home directory should be/home/flow. Run the following command to make the backup database in home/flow directory, the archived file name is flowdbbackup.tar.gz:
    $ tar -czvf flowdbbackup.tar.gz .partekflow/

  3. Log out of the user account that runs Flow:


Open a Terminal window on the home directory of the user that installed Partek Flow.

  1. Run the following command to make the backup database in user's home directory
    $ tar -czvf flowdbbackup.tar.gz .partekflow/
  2. The archived file name is flowdbbackup.tar.gz.
