Partek Flow Documentation

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When more than one factor is added to the model, click on the Cross tabulation link at the bottom to view the relationship between the factors (Figure 15).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextCross tabulation table showing breakdown of samples across groups (the model contains one factor with three and one factor with two levels)
AnchorNameCross tabulation table

Image Modified

Once the model is set, click on Next button to setup comparisons (contrasts) (Figure 16).


When the task is selected, the dialog will display all the categorical attributes more than one subgroups (Figure 18).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextCuffdiff setup dialog. “Select attributes(s) to groups samples” lists the categorical attributes which have at least two levels (e.g. “Cell type” and “Time”)
AnchorNameCuffdiff setup dialog.

Image Modified

When an attribute is selected, pairwise comparisons of all the levels will be performed independently.

Click on Configure button in the Advanced options to configure normalization method and library types (Figure 19).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAdvanced option of cuffdiff
AnchorNameAdvanced options of cuffdiff

Image Modified

There are three library normalization methods:


The report of the cuffdiff task is a table of a feature list p-values, q-value and log2 fold-change information for all the comparisons (Figure 20).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextFigure 20: Cuffdiff task report. Each row is a feature, p-value, q-value and log2 fold change columns are display for each comparison
AnchorNameCuffdiff task report

Image Modified

In the p-value column, besides an actual p-value, which means the test was performed successfully, there is also the following flags which indicate the test was not successful:
