Partek Flow Documentation

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A Pie Chart histogram is a type of graph that displays data in a circular graph. It gives you a snapshot of how a group is broken down into smaller pieces. Because the pieces of a Pie chart are proportional to the fraction of the whole in each category. In order to make a Pie chart, you must have a list of categorical variables (descriptions of your categories, like ‘cell type’) as well as numeric variables (e.g.,  cell numbers). In Partek® Flow®, the default numeric variable is the cell numbers.  Therefore, the Pie chart indicates the fraction of the whole cell numbers in each category.To make a Pie chart, open a new Data Viewer session in Flow (Figure 1).plot that summarizes the underlying frequency of a set of data with the variable of interest on one axis and the frequency distribution of that variable in the other axis. In Partek Flow, histogram can be invoked on continuous or categorical variable.

Invoking a histogram

From a data viewer session, drag the histogram icon onto the data viewer canvas (Figure 1)

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Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextNew Data Viewer session in Flow.Drag histogram plot (red rectangle) onto data viewer canvass
AnchorNameNew Data Viewer session
Invoke Histogram 1

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Select Pie chart from ‘Available plots’ on the left side and drag it to Add new plot in middle panel. Then select any data node to create a new empty Pie chart (Figure 2). 
