PGS Documentation

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This guide is specific to the installation of Partek® Genomics Suite® software on a Macintosh operating system.

This section covers the following topics:

Table of Contents
excludeAdditional Assistance

Download Partek Genomics Suite

Download the latest version of Partek Genomics Suite using the link provided below:

Run Partek Genomics Suite for Host ID Retrieval

Once the installation is completed, start the application by double clicking on the Partek Genomics Suite application icon located on your desktop.

In some cases, the security preferences may ask you to verify the software (Figure 1). Select Yes.

Figure 1. Confirm the installation of Partek Genomics Suite

The default Partek License Manager window will appear. Select Copy Information from the Computer Information section and paste (Ctrl P) the retrieved host name and ID in an email to your account representative (Figure 2). 


Figure 2. Retrieving computer's host ID

Add License

Download the license file that the Partek Licensing Support team sent you and save in your “/Users/Shared” folder. 


Figure 3. Adding license file

Start Partek Genomics Suite

After the initial installation, Partek Genomics Suite can be started by double clicking the Partek Genomics Suite 7.0 icon located on your desktop (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Start Partek Genomics Suite software

Additional Assistance

Additional Assistance

If you need additional assistance, please visit our support page to submit a help ticket or find phone numbers for regional support.