PGS Documentation

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Two spreadsheets are created, similar to the spreadsheets in the de novo motif discovery, the motif_summary (MotifSearch) spreadsheet (Figure 67) and the motif_instances (MotifSearch.instance) spreadsheet. 


As you can see, REST, which is another name for NRSF, is near the top of the list as one of the most significantly over-represented motifs (Figure 67). This motif agrees with the motif found in the de novo motif detection step. Interestingly, other motifs appear a significant number of times in the ChIP-Seq peaks and may represent possible co-factors or regulators. 


  • Select the motif_instances spreadsheet in the spreadsheet tree 
  • Right-click the 5. Motif Name column 
  • Select Find / Replace / Select... from the pop-up menu (Figure 78)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextFinding all REST peaks (step 1)
AnchorNameSelecting REST instances

  • Set Find What: to REST
  • Select By Columns for Search: 
  • Select Only in column with 5. Motif Name selected form the drop-down menu
  • Select Select All (Figure 89)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelecting all REST instances in motif_instances spreadsheet (step 2)
AnchorNameSelecting all REST instances


  • Right-click on the first highlighted row visible; in this example, we see row 13196 
  • Select Filter Include from the pop-up menu (Figure 910)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextFiltering for selected rows
AnchorNameIncluding REST Sites

The spreadsheet will now include 2098 rows and a black and yellow bar will appear on the right-hand side of the spreadsheet (Figure 1011). The black and yellow bar is a filter indicator showing the fraction of the spreadsheet currently visible as yellow and the filtered fraction as black. 
