PGS Documentation

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In this section, we will create a list that filters out peaks detected of peaks significantly enriched in the ChIP sample that also occur in versus the control (mock) sample. 

  • Select Create a list of enriched regions from the Peak Analysis section of the ChIP-Seq workflow

Regions found in the ChIP sample that have few reads in the mock sample are of interest for downstream analysis. We can use the list creator to filter out regions with a high number of reads in the control sample by using p-value of control.

  • Select Specify New Criteria (Figure 1)


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSpreadsheet with regions that are significantly enriched in the ChIP sample vs. control
AnchorNameNew filtered spreadsheet

Other l List Creator operations like the Venn Diagram, Union (Or), and Intersection (And) of the lists could be used to create different lists of enriched peaks. For example, you could filter on the intersection between Strand Separation FDR of 0.05 and Peaks not in mock or filter by scaled fold change or apply a minimum number of reads per million. The choice of what peaks you want to consider for downstream analysis depends on the goals and details of your experimental design.


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