PGS Documentation

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Gene ontology (GO), enrichment analysis has been incorporated into the gene expression, microRNA expression, exon, copy number, tiling, ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq and methylation workflows. The Gene Ontology Consortium website provides an excellent overview for new and experienced users of GO analysis. In brief, the common nomenclature of genes and gene products has been used to group genes into a functional hierarchy. This enables analyses to be compared across all types of genomic data, even data from different species. A broader understanding of experimental results is possible by grouping genes of interest into biological processes, cellular components and molecular functions of the genes. With the GO enrichment tool in Partek® Genomics Suite® you can take a list of genes (e.g. significantly differentially expressed genes) and see how they group in the functional hierarchy. This is analogous to going from looking at individual trees (genes) to see how the whole forest (gene ontology) is organized.

This tutorial illustrates how to:
