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How to Streamline RNA-Seq analysis and increase productivity—point, click, and done

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To illustrate the capabilities and customization options of hierarchical clustering in Partek Genomics Suite, we will explore an example of hierarchical clustering drawn from the tutorial Gene Expression Analysis. The data set in this tutorial includes gene expression data from patients with or without Down syndrome. Using this data set, 23 highly differentially expressed genes between Down syndrome and normal patient tissues were identified. These 23 differentially regulated genes were then used to perform hierarchical clustering of the samples. Follow the steps outlined in Hierarchical Clustering and Adding Information to Gene Lists to perform hierarchical clustering and launch the Hierarchical Clustering tab (Figure 1).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextHeatmap showing results of hierarchical clustering
AnchorNameHierarchical Clustering Heatmap


The sample attributes are now labeled with group titles (Figure 2).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextLabeling heat map with sample attribute groups
AnchorNameLabeling Sample Attribute Groups


Adding a Sample Attribute to the Heat Map


Color blocks indicating the tissue of each sample have been added to the row labels and sample legend (Figure 3).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSample attributes can be added to the heat map as sample labels
AnchorNameAdding sample attributes to the heat map



The bottom row has moved to the top of the heat map (Figure 5). 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextRows and columns can be flipped by using Flip Mode to select dendogram legs
AnchorNameFlipping Columns or Rows



Changing Heat Map Colors

The minimum, maximum, and midpoint colors of the heart map intensity plot can be customized. 


The selected dendogram column will be in bold and the selected rows will be highlighted. 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelecting a dendogram cluster using Selection Mode
AnchorNameSelecting Dendogram Cluster


The same steps can be used to zoom into columns or rows. Here, we have zoomed in on the rows, but not columns to show the expression levels of the selected genes for all samples (Figure 8). 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextViewing only selected genes for all samples
AnchorNameZoomed on Selected Genes

Image Modified

To reset zoom select () on the x-axis to show all columns and the y-axis to show all rows
