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How to Streamline RNA-Seq analysis and increase productivity—point, click, and done

PGS Documentation

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In the Analysis tab, there is now a spreadsheet row_list (down in normal.txt) containing the 6 genes that were in the selected cluster. The same steps can be used to create a list of samples form the hierarchical clustering by selecting clusters on the sample dendogram. 

Saving Plot Properties 

Once you have created a customized plot, you can save the plot properties as a template to use in future hierarchical clustering analyses. 

  • Select the Save/Load tab
  • Select Save current...
  • Name the current plot properties template, we selected Transposed Blue and Yellow 

The new template now appears in the Save/Load panel as an option. To load a template, select it in the Load/Save panel and select Load selected. Note that all properties, including Min and Max values and sample groups (based on the column number of the attribute in the source spreadsheet) that may not be appropriate for a different data set, will be applied. 

Exporting the Hierarchical Clustering Plot Image

Like very visualization in Partek Genomics Suite, the The hierarchical clustering image plot can be exported as a publication quality image. 
